AERONAUT Indie Trivia
Every Tuesday Aeronaut Brewery opens up the taproom to a community of players & hosts to gather at 8PM for trivia. The whole thing is completely independent with each week’s questions and rounds conceived by crack players-turned trivia-masters: the hosts.
AERONAUT TRIVIA HOSTS are the glorious glue that hold this program together. Every week’s host is a different volunteer from the community and the questions and rounds are completely their own. It’s a tough job — at best totally thankless, at worst… well, let’s just say that it’s best to have your facts together and know how to swing a barstool.
PLAYERS: The group is a tool that you can also use to give suggestions for new round ideas or bonus questions, to offer formatting advice. Also, feel free to give constructive feedback and to inform one another of upcoming trivia events and related things. In general, the idea is to continue building this awesome community of trivia lovers that we’ve built together at Aeronaut.